Archive for the ‘side ways’ Category

numbers game

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

the numbers game is just for fun and to show all and exspecially high heel girl that coincidence mixt wythe mathematics equals quirky and sometimes astonishing outcomes. so wen an odd sequence of numbers ambles thru ur life just ask, coinky dink or just plain ole maipulation ?the following game was ritten in response to a friend who had an group of repeating numbers in a short period of time. send ur strange numbers uve observed an i will see wat i can come up with.


the hair cut

Monday, July 13th, 2009

life lesson #08182009 The hair cut so today i walk in the barber shop. stephanie ask for my name and i repply Garthe brookes. After a little smirk i recant quickly and tell her im Dyrkes bentley. she asked me wy im in town and wy i came to her shop. to my dismay she doesnt believe i am in town for a underwater fire prevention seminar and that someone told me she was better than edward scissorhands. needless to say , im ok with wearing a baseball cap for the next month or so. “never harass someone with scissors ”
