the burried puzzle

after writing this i seemed to have made progress and the Lords grace has blessed me with comfort and a loving wife who encourages me .

the torment of my past haunts me thru the nite. praying to my Lord to take away the frite. the words spoken with love encourage me to carry on , nowing that his word is true and they will eventually be gone. u dig up the puzzle but the pieces still dont fit, then neatly back in the box for a wile ur done with it. once again the memories creep, places and faces its hard to sleep. so out with the shovel to try to make since once more, maybe this time u can finish this chore. the burried puzzle trys to win each and everyday, but my father has redeemed me and leads my way. overcoming our past is a heavy burden and still a chore but jesus died for me and he is faithful to restore. help me my Lord to heal and be set free from this puzzle with a high cost and thank u father for your son who burried it under the cross !

One Comment

  • Lydia says:

    I like the last sentence. Please re-read. Since Jesus buried it, covered it, has taken it,

    why don’t you concentrate on leaving it there with him. Just go forward. Press on.

    One of the hardest things to do is to forgive ourselves for our failures. We can’t change

    the past. As far as the East is from the West………….Taking our eyes off of what Jesus

    has already taken from us is difficult. Victory comes not from beating ourselves down

    but living in HIM, knowing HIM, accepting HIM. Unfortunately, the enemy of our souls

    likes to keep us pressed down. We need to put on our armor and fight. We want to

    do it ourselves but there is strength in numbers. Not everyone will fight for and with

    you. Be discerning. Love you! PS delete this if it offends you. I do not want to hinder
    your walk.

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