Whispers on the lake

as i drove up to my parents house i saw the lake straight ahead of me . it was a beautiful day about 5 in the afternoon. i went and stood at the point on the lake just to admire wat the Lord had created. looking for a little quite time with the Lord i found myself overwhelmed with thankfullness and astonishment at wat i was seeing and then hearing wat the Father was whispering to me. I have seen the lake many times before but on that day it was calling me. well, i mean the Lord was calling me to it. enjoy !

hustle and bustle are all around, but with my eyes fixed i look for the sound. the sunlite ripples and shimmers off my face, just alittle glimpse of this peaceful place. awed by the site, it is Gods blessing and all by his mite. the 2 chose together to live wat was true. 32 years later this amazing view. the wind blows gently the ripples roll thru i stand at the point and listen, have you? whispers i here calm the soul within me. not a word to be heard with my ears, but straight thru my eyes i hear and i see the words he gives , im renewing u in me. live like ur examples the’ve never let u down, they also listened and moved to a new town. the struggles were many but the reward is now great because of their obedience i get to here, whispers on the lake.


  • Joann (sissy) says:

    I love this one. It always makes me thankful and reminds me of how many folks don’t have what we have –whispers on the lake or the reason they are here. LOVEYOUBUNCHES

  • Mama says:

    Thanks for reminding me………….I really need it right now. Love you!

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